Sunday, February 14, 2010

Under the Big Top

After the snow covered us on Friday, we still managed to head to the circus on Saturday morning! We were all looking forward to it and could barely contain our excitement!

We had to start out at Waffle House--no seeing animals on an empty stomach!

Our family surrounded by the circus fun!

Mimi and I checking out the toys

Once inside, we were able to go onto the arena floor. There were clowns, acrobats and even an elephant! It took me a while to warm up to things...notice the grip I have on Daddy's jacket!

We ran into the Owings and my buddy, Dock!

Asia, the elephant, before the show

Ready for the show to begin with my tiger light-up toy---so excited!

It's starting!!

Waving to the elephants---my eyes were glued to the action!

Horses and zebras---another one of my favorites!

Dog tricks, too!

Stunning Mommy with my light toy!

More elephants--I loved all of the animals!

I'm going to train Tigger to do some of these tricks at home! :)

These guys made Mommy's hands sweat---they were going so high & fast!

The finale!

I had such a great time at the circus and look forward to making it a family tradition!!
It really is the greatest show on Earth!!

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