Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st Day of "School"

Today was my 1st day of Mother's Morning Out at church. I will go Tuesday & Thursday mornings--so fun!

I had my bag packed & ready to go!

What's in here? Hopefully no homework! :)

Ready to go, Mommy?

Thankfully, Mommy and I both survived (with only a few tears...from Mommy!) and made it home for lunch. Here's to a successful year!


Lisa said...

It was Austin's first day of preschool today, too! He had declared that he wasn't going, so our goal was for him to get out of the car in carpool line and not move his behavior clip today. Both goals were met! It was a big success and I know Walker's day was, too. (And I had a few tears, too!!!)

Carly said...

Im sure Walker will love being around the other kids! And a few hours to yourself, how wonderful!!!